Learn BSL
Are you eligible for some free BSL Level 1 training?
As part of our Big Lottery project CommunityID will be offering free British Sign Language (BSL) Level 1 to anyone who takes part in our Free Deaf & Interpreter Awareness Training provided by this project.
The BSL Level 1 course is an accredited course and contains the three following modules:
Unit BSL 101 – Introduction to British Sign Language
Unit BSL 102 – Conversational British Sign Language
Unit BSL 103 – British Sign Language at School, College or Work
Benefits to you or your organisation:
- The BSL Level 1 course is designed to enable you or your organisation to communicate with Deaf people in BSL with simple everyday language
- The training will make you more confident in interacting better with Deaf people
- Your employee or colleagues will learn how to utilise British Sign Language
- Your organisation may gain a wider range of clients with your knowledge of British Sign Language
- The BSL level 1 course will be open to your staff or yourself if you took part in the free Deaf & Interpreter Awareness Training,
If you are interested and would like more information, please contact us,
by telephone on
or by email: